Papers and extended abstracts

The full paper and the extended abstract must be created according to the instructions provided in the template.

Paper and extended abstract template:

      Microsoft Word Word icon Paper
      OpenDocument OOo icon Paper template (OpenDocument).ott

(to download the file, right click on the link and select the "Save Link As..." option)

Extended abstracts

The extended abstracts will be printed in hardcopy and will be made available at the conference. Therefore, the correct formatting of the extended abstracts is of utmost importance.

Authors should use the paper template to create the extended abstract, but limiting the length of the document to 2 pages. The extended abstract shall contain an abstract and keywords. It shall be, like the paper, organized in chapters: the introduction should include the scope of the problem and state the objectives of the paper; the materials and methods should be addressed briefly; the results and discussion section should constitute the main part of the extended abstract; and conclusions should be stated. Acknowledgements and references can also be included.

Please see below an example of a correctly formated extended abstract.

      PDF PDF icon Extended_abstract_example.pdf

(to download the file, right click on the link and select the "Save Link As..." option)

Author forms

The corresponding author must also fill in the "Author form" with information related to the paper. The author forms must also be submitted with the full paper and the extended abstract.

Author form:

      Microsoft Word Word icon Author form.doc
      OpenDocument OOo icon Author form (OpenDocument).odt

(to download the file, right click on the link and select the "Save Link As..." option)