Sponsoring information

If you wish to sponsor this International Conference, we offer two different base sponsoring options: "Major sponsor" and "Sponsor".

Major sponsor: Sponsor:

Each each base option can be customised to meet different needs. For further details and prices, please see the detailed sponsoring options in the file below, or contact the Conference Secretariat at shatisdesk@lnec.pt.

Detailed sponsoring options:
       PDF icon SHATIS11_Sponsoring_options.pdf
(to download the file, right click on the link and select the "Save Link As..." option)

Sponsoring form

Please submit the filled in sponsoring form to the Conference Secretariat by e-mail (shatisdesk@lnec.pt), or by fax (+351 21 844 30 14).

Sponsoring form:
       PDF icon SHATIS11_Sponsoring_form.pdf
(to download the file, right click on the link and select the "Save Link As..." option)